Christian, born in 1971, grew up at a time when digitalization was taking off and running its course. At the tender age of eleven, Christian had his first home computer – since then, information technology has never left him.
Christian actually comes from a Palatinate crafts business with a long family tradition. Nevertheless, it quickly became clear to him that he only wanted to continue his craft as a hobby. Instead, after leaving school, he decided to study computer science at the University of Karlsruhe (now KIT). He gained his first professional experience during his studies by developing and selling cashless payment solutions (chip card systems). After his studies, he started working for a small start-up company during the wild times of the “New Economy” and accompanied the company until it went public.
After the sale of his employer, he started his own company and specialized early on as a technology service provider for complex Internet solutions. His company ETECTURE still manages some of the largest online projects in Europe, including BMW, IKEA, British Airways, Volkswagen and DIBA.
In the meantime, ETECTURE has long since outgrown its infancy, employs around 170 people and is run by a salaried management team. Christian had an appetite for new things: For many years he taught at the Duale Hochschule Mannheim, where he imparted his knowledge at the Institute for Digital Media. Likewise, he is now involved as a mentor and coach for startups. And recently, the entrepreneurial fever has caught him again: He founded “Qonvo” – a young consulting firm in the field of digital transformation.
It is always important to Christian that he is able to work on content – i.e., technologically and innovatively – or to spin strategic threads in the background. In doing so, cultivating relationships with people as colleagues, business partners and customers is immensely important. “Networking” is a passion for him that is fun and that he always enjoys contributing to the FollowYourTalent Foundation. His contacts and relationships, his knowledge, experience, reliability, down-to-earthness, curiosity and perseverance have already helped us in many projects.
Even though the likeable “Pälzer Bu” is on the road all over the world today, he always likes to come back to the Southern Palatinate, where he grew up and still lives today: “Being on the road internationally as a businessman and my love of my homeland do not represent a tension for me, but rather complementary, even mutually enriching poles”.
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